
Top 10 Strategies For Coaches To Be Mentally Tough

Some coaches may be good at these skills, while others may struggle at some. However, I seriously doubt that all coaches or leaders excel at all of these skills. 

The goal is to be the BEST at getting BETTER! 

Here’s one skill that transfers all of the way and all of the time. That’s why it’s #1 on the list! 

1) Be calm- When you’re calm, cool, and collected, your own team will respond that way. Be selective and calculated about when and where you increase the intensity to your team. 

2) Teach & Encourage- Free them up to make mistakes and play without fear. This seems easy, but it requires patience. 

3) Talk to Your Own Team More Than Recruits- You can’t communicate too much with your own team. 

4) Never Come Home Mad- See Archie Manning example in the infographic…

5) Serve Others- Reminder, it’s not about you. These and other strategies for coaches to be mentally tough require an awareness and discipline. 


strategies for coaches to be mentally tough

6) Don’t read the paper- You’re either high on the hog, or sick as a dog. This takes a lot of mental toughness

7) Speak the same language- Sing the same tune, use the common phrases. 

8) Don’t lose friendship- Try and not let a loss get between friends. It happens too easily. 

9) Pick the right spouse-  A happy spouse is a happy house. 

10) Vitamin ‘N”- the power of saying “NO.” 

There is a lot that goes into effective strategies for coaches to be mentally tough.


dr rob bell speakerDr. Rob Bell is a Sport Psychology Coach. DRB & associates coach executives and professional athletes. Some clients have included three different winners on the PGA Tour, Indy Eleven, University of Notre Dame, Marriott, and Walgreens.